"Where To” is a four-part series by Expedia and Chef’s Table director Brian McGinn about going beyond the search results. In collaboration with Destination Canada, the series highlights some of Canada’s most unique culinary, outdoors, wellness, and skiing destinations and the stories behind them.

The Foundation Of Belleza

Sephora Presents, The Foundation of Belleza. Now streaming on Peacock.

Adrienne Bailon-Houghton goes on a journey to glean the wisdom passed down through Latine generations and discover the meaning of belleza.

They Came From ALL Over

The film directed by Academy Award winning, Rayka Zehtabchi, follows grocery store owner, Tom Mulholland, as he confronts the possibility of losing his family business and the impact it can have on his small Iowa town.

Rams “On the clock”

The Super Bowl LVI Champion Los Angeles Rams wanted to draw buzz around the draft. To do so they produced On the Clock, a short film that plays like a summer blockbuster but is actually a piece of branded content directed by Paul Hunter with cinematography by three-time Academy Award winner Bob Richardson.  It was a star studded cast and was a massive hit, creating a lot of buzz.

The Beauty of BlackNess

Sephora Presents, The Beauty of Blackness. Now streaming on MAX.

In 1973, Eunice Johnson, the founder of Ebony and Jet, noticed a problem: Black women had to mix their own foundation in order to find a color that matched their skin. To tackle the problem, Johnson launched Fashion Fair, the first national cosmetics company that focused entirely on Black women. The brand triggered a renaissance in style among Black women and the global cosmetics industry took notice. This film follows that journey.